What have been the consequences of the war in Ukraine?

What are the consequences of wars in general?

While public interest in the war in Ukraine may have decreased, the effects have been much deeper and potentially longer lasting around the world than is widely understood. They go beyond strategic power relations and one off ‘exogenous shocks’, as they are commonly described.

A super-team of colleagues at University of East Anglia have guest edited a special issue of the journal Policy Studies on the effects of the war

The issue includes 20 articles from researchers in 20 countries, including Ukrainian academics, covering the impacts on human development, economies, policy and governance, and power.

The opening introduction (free to read) sets out a framework proposing an inter-disciplinary approach for evaluating the effects of war across different layers of society around the world.

We emphasise how conflict causes ripple effects across the following areas: direct human and material destructions; human capabilities; economies; values and attitudes; policy and governance; and domestic and international power relations.

The effects of war can also cause backwash effects – which in turn effect the conflict itself.

Public policy scholars have tended to use terms such as ‘punctuated equilibrium’ to discuss the effects of wars. But we argue that a more inter-disciplinary approach helps to map the deeper effects of war.

Read the introduction for free:

Read the full special issue:

It has been great working with Matilde Rosina Soul Park Ra Mason Suzanne Doyle, Pierre Bouquillion and all the contributing authors!

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